Sometimes it's fun to play a character with a low attribute, especially low charisma.
What's an interesting / creative reason that a character has low charisma?
Optional: Reply to a comment with a short description of how you would role-play that character.
General Summary So Far
I. Appearance
A. Scars
II. Habits
III. Demeanor
A. Creepy
1. Twitchy, +Seth Drebitko
2. Appears to always be up to something
3. People just sense somethings not right about the character.
B. A little afraid of everything
C. Lack of self-awareness
1. The character doesn't know they always look bored, angry, oddly happy in an unspeakable way.
D. Oddly Bizarre
1. The character always leans too far to one side.
E. Dead
IV. Communication Styles
A. Speaking too fast or speaking too slow
B. Voice too loud, high pitched for the comfort of those in hearing range.
C. Speaks in rhymes, riddles, third person -- all the time
D. Partially deaf and responds to what they think was said to them (not what was actually said)
V. Family Reputation
A. Nobody liked their mother, either
B. Character is a boy named Sue.
VI. Socially Challenged
A. Doesn't greet friendly strangers or greets them in strange ways.
B. Has the manners of a wild animal, +Alan Kellogg
VII. Odd tastes
A. character wears noisy clothing (it jingles or clanks when they walk)
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